August 16th 2021

The Hanging Mat

The Hanging Mat

So for the 4th I went down to Santa Fe.  A wonderful place to vacation in, but not so much to live.  I love all the art and the culture, and really just how interesting the place is, but for me when I lived there it just didn’twork out so well.  There really aren’t that many places for younger people to hang out, and it’s rife withtourists.  Not that I’m not a tourist a lot of the time, but after a while you get tired of answering the question of “where’s the plaza from here?’.  I of course had my new 70-200 and just had a blast with it.  It was great to be able to zoom around across the street and find interesting people to take photographs of.  I’m still sorting through the probably 20-30 shots that I will be posting up here.  That was culled down from about 200 photos a

Best Street Artist I've heard on 16th Street { Hudson Valley Portraits }

Guess where?  I know I need to find more places to walk around with interesting people than just always going to 16th street mall, but it’s just always so much fun.  This was one of the guys I found on 16th street.  He was playing an awesome electrified violin, and he had a really good sound.  Now his promoter was kind of a goofball, but other than that he had an awesome sound.  Now I’m sure you’re all wondering who the heck this guy is right?  Me too!  I couldn’t remember his name, and due to the fact that I didn’t think I got anything good, I didn’t bother to ask again.  It’s really too bad, because I wouldn’t mind plugging him just a bit on here, but honestly I can’t remember his name for the life of me.

The reason I didn’t think I was going to get anything was

My new 70-200 Nikkor beauty { Hudson Valley Pet Portraits }

So after reading tons of reviews, half of which were total and complete crap, I decided to treat myself to a new lens.  I need it for a couple of things that I’m going to be doing here in the next few weeks, one of which includes a weeding, that i’m shooting for practically free.

I can’t believe how great this lens is.  For a zoom lens the bokeh is amazing.  I freaking love the smooth tones i’m getting, and the contrast is awsome.  I went down to Santa Fe for the 4th of July, and I’m still going through the tons of pictures from that trip.  I’m sure there will be tons of those shots up soon on my blog.

Sorry I haven’t been posting as much lately, but look for a flurry of stuff soon.  I’ve just been so busy going on vacation, and planning things like that.

So I g

August 16th 2021

The Flight

The Flight

So I took a walk on colfax ave in Hudson Valley, and I was surprised at how little I actually found to photograph.  There weren’t really all that many people on the street.  The general architecture I found a little boring, and I just couldn’t find much to shoot.  I always wonder if that’s a mood based thing.  If you’re in a better mood you find more to shoot, or if you’re in a worse mood you find less to shoot.  I’ve never been able to figure out if that’s actually true or not.  I don’t think I was in a particularly bad mood, but I definitely wasn’t in some bouncing off the walls great mood either.

I guess the most interesting thing that happened was I met a curator of a nice little gallery on colfax.  He also did quite a few of the paintings in the gallery.  It w

The mini, and my new love.

So sue me.  I’m still fascinated by the kind of detail and bokeh that I’m getting with my 85mm f1.4.  It’s so crystal sharp that sometimes it hurts to see what it pulls out.  This shot is of the front headlight of a mini cooper.  An old one, one with character.  Yes I’m saying that the new ones don’t have as much character.   There was this cool looking old mini cooper just hanging out.  So I snapped some shots of it.  I was half waiting for this real hipster guy to come walking out of some building asking me what the hell I was doing, but it never happened.  I was ready for it though.  The whole time just imagining someone in a headband, and some goofy looking socks.  People are funny sometimes they co

Graffiti that really speaks

Walking around downtown Hudson Valley I stumbled upon this.  I totally love this quote, not that I can really apply it to my everyday life, but I still think it’s a great concept to think about.  While looking at the quote I noticed something interesting.  There was graffiti around it, and on it, but if you look closely someone has deliberately kept this on the side of their store.  They painted that great yellow color all around the quote, but not over it, just over the graffiti.  Thinking about that was fun.  Imagining someone with a roller on a pole, painting the whole side of the building, but leaving this one inspirational quote.  Great work to whoever did that.
