Andrea for Midikenn Zagreb { Professional Model Photographer Praha }

So part of our deal with moving to the czech republic was that we had to deal with a whole host of visa situations. That meant that when we got married in iceland, and honeymooned in estonia, that counted towards our schengen time. Which was certainly a bummer, but that meant that while we were waiting for our visas to be approved, we couldn’t wait in the czech republic. Instead we had to leave the schengen area. So we decided to take a trip to croatia. I couldn’t be happier that we did. Croatia is a beautiful country, filled with wonderful people. I hadn’t really ever thought that I would be so interested in croatia, but it’s crazy how different the people are there. Everyone is super
nice, and filled with interesting conversation. I couldn’t count the number of times that we had really funny conversations with the cab drivers. One time a cabby was telling us about his children, and I asked “So who’s your favorite”…. his reply… “This is… evil question”, and then a big laugh. I miss these kinds of interactions. For the most part, people in the czech republic are more quite and reserved. Of course it doesn’t help that I don’t know more czech, but it’s a damn hard language to learn. We’ve been trying to pick up as much as we can, but it’s tricky.
When we were in croatia, we contacted a few agencies, but for some reason midikenn was the only modeling agency that got back to us, and was excited about us working with their models. I thought this was a bit strange. No worries, it’s the other agencies loss. Lynzi and I both shot 2 girls, so 4 girls got new work for their portfolio. I was so surprised that an agency wouldn’t jump at the chance to get a 2’fer. Especially when Lynzi runs a large fashion magazine, and is always looking for faces to put in their new faces section. I guess it’s just the way this business goes. Sometimes it’s difficult to separate the quality from the noise.
The first girl that I photographed was Andrea, who was a doll to work with. A bit on the quite side, but at the same time she had a great face. She was still pretty green, but at the same time she was super nice to work with. Of course the weather in Zagreb was a bit chilly, but luckily there was still a nice amount of sun out. Something I really miss now that we’re back in the czech republic. It’s kinda crazy to me how much the lack of sun affects me. I’d say that I have seasonal depression, but I’m not even sure that’s what it is. I just feel a lot less motivated to do things lately. I’m hoping to change that with shooting a lot more test work.
This last one was easily my favorite shot from the shoot. I normally don’t frame things like this, but it felt good to step out of my comfort zone a bit.