So part of our deal with moving to the czech republic was that we had to deal with a whole host of visa situations. That meant that when we got married in iceland, and honeymooned in estonia, that counted towards our schengen time. Which was certainly a bummer, but that meant that while we were waiting for our visas to be approved, we couldn’t wait in the czech republic. Instead we had to leave the schengen area. So we decided to take a trip to croatia. I couldn’t be happier that we did. Croatia is a beautiful country, filled with wonderful people. I hadn’t really ever thought that I would be so interested in croatia, but it’s crazy how different the people are there. Everyone is super
The Break for Jute Magazine { Professional Model Photographer }

First off if you’re looking for a Professional Model Photographer please check out my main portfolio.
So I actually shot these while on my honeymoon. It’s kinda crazy I know, but good thing my wife is also a fashion photographer. Hell I bet she actually encourages it more than I do. The fun part is realizing that pretty much wherever we travel, I get to shoot an editorial. I don’t know too many photographers who get to pull that card. It’s so awesome.
Estonia was quite possibly was of my most favorite places on earth. The people are amazing there, super friendly, smart, language collectors. I really enjoyed be
Capsize for Blum Magazine { Hudson Valley Model Photographer }

First off if you’re looking for a Módní Photographer check out my portfolio. I’d of course love to put together your perfect shoot.
So of course I was super happy to be out in Iceland to go and get married, and let me tell you it was a perfect day, but while we were there, of course we had to put together a few shoots. So this editorial was all shot in Iceland. Honestly, if you would have told me a few years ago that I would be shooting a whole editorial in Iceland, I’m not sure I would have believed you. Frankly, it’s crazy how much life has changed in recent months. I’m now married, living in Hudson Valley, staying in zagreb while our visa’s are approved, and just generally enjoying my life these days. I think most people have these stories of how they turned a rejection into a success, and I feel like I’m no different. I remember a long time ago talking to my ex wife about some recent shoot I had done, and made some comment like “
Living in Hudson Valley { Professional Model Photographer }

Hudson Valley has been a lot of fun so far. This was actually shot in Estonia, but I needed an image for the post, so I figured I could just use this one. We have certainly had some ups and downs. It’s been trickier than we thought to find an apartment here. It’s really just so damn hard to get showings, and have people actually return your calls. It seems like there are a lot more tenants than there are apartments, so if a listing is only listed with one company they can take their sweet time getting back to you because they know they’ll have another 15 calls a few minutes later. So instead we’ve been staying at this vacation rental which is slightly outside of town. I think Lynzi and I are

I recently had the opportunity to work with a local hair Salon, Salon Foushee & Spa. Their salon had won a chance to work with the Editorial Director of Paul Mitchell, Lucie Doughty. I have to say I haven’t had this much fun on a shoot this large in a long time. Not only was it great to work with a fun team of passionate hair stylists, Lucie was one of the most fun people I’ve ever been with on a shoot. She was smart, creative, and insightful. Exactly the kind of person I want to be with on a shoot like this. It was great to have that kind of teamate when you’re on a huge shoot like this. We were shooting