Food Photographer in Hudson Valley { Food Shootout }

[![Hudson Valley Food Photographer Pommegranate](/images/blog_images/uploads/Hudson Valley-Food-Photographer-Pommegranate.jpg “Hudson Valley Food Photographer Pommegranate”)](/images/blog_images/uploads/Hudson Valley-Food-Photographer-Pommegranate.jpg)

I sure did have some fun this last weekend.  I went on a food shoot out.  Cooking and shooting.  I was surprised to find out how hard that actually is.  It takes time and patience to shoot food, it takes those same two things to cook it.  So shooting and cooking is quite a challenge.  My hat goes off to all you food bloggers out there.  I’m not sure how you do it all the time.  I would get annoyed and bored a bit to quickly and easily.  Alhtough I guess I didn’t just have one dish to shoot, I cooked up 3 dishes, and photographed all 3 of them.  which was certainly quite a challenge.