Food Photographer in Hudson Valley { Grilled Alaskan Salmon }

[![Food Photographer in Hudson Valley Salmon Shoot](/images/blog_images/uploads/5_Salmon-Hudson Valley-Food-Photographer.jpg “Hudson Valley Food Photographer Salmon”)](/images/blog_images/uploads/5_Salmon-Hudson Valley-Food-Photographer.jpg)

Grilled Salmon = Yum.  No Seriously.  I recently had a chance to do a bit of food photography which was a total blast.  I always forget how stressful food is to shoot though.  It’s not easy.  I realize it doesn’t move, it can’t show emotion, but it’s a real challenge to get something that looks nice on a plate without it ending up looking dead and dried out.  I have noticed a recent trend of photographers to get into food photography, but not putting in the hard work it takes to learn how to light food.  Yes I know surprising but it’s complicated to light food.  And also surprising is the fact that you light food a