Charlie An { Hudson Valley Editorial Portrait Photographer }

I’ve been meaning to write up these shots for a while. Charlie came in wanting some great modeling pictures something that was a bit more high fashion. I really loved the way that these shots came out. Charlie came in for 3 looks, and these were my 2 favorite looks. That first look is something I’ve been wanting to try more and more of, something that’s shot a bit more wide open, with a ton of really great light. I’ve been getting plenty of use out of my apple boxes, and I really love them. They have to by one of my favorite tools when I’m working in the studio. Whether I’m using them to stand on
to change lights, or as a quickly movable chair for me, they’re just great. Honestly, I wish I would have bought them earlier. I guess what was stopping me, is the fact that they’re not exactly cheap. At least not for the nice ones. Although the more and more I work with them, the more I want to build my own only in white. It’s not like they’re hard to build, but with me shooting as much as I have been it’s hard to find the time for little home projects.
The only project that I’ve actually been able to work on lately besides my editorial portraiture is working on props for my food photography. The two projects that I’ve done this weekend are working on cutting up some old fence wood for backdrops for my food photography. The other thing that I did was build my own cutting board for my food work. It’s really hard to find a cutting board that actually looks dated. So I opted to build my own. I wanted something that had really hard lines, and had an interesting look to it. Everyone makes cutting boards these days that have all these smooth edges, and are all clean lines, built nothing like back in the day when people were making them for function only. I mean think about it, if you were making a cutting board, and you wanted to make it as quickly as possible, and all it had to do was function would you really care if the handle was perfectly rounded?
The other thing that I did was cut up some old fencing from my neighbors back yard. That didn’t take so long. They were replacing their fencing, and the wood had a great dated look to it.
As far as these shots of Charlie though, that first shot was super simple an octobox from camera right, and then I shot against a big sheet of grey mattboard.
I honestly really loved the way the natural light shots came out as well. His skin tones just worked so well for a nice sutle color toning. And I thought the shirt really worked well also to pull together the whole look. He was a handsome man for sure.
I also liked how this black and white image came out. I wish I could have used more of these shots in my portfolio, but you have to cut somewhere. I can’t have a portfolio that’s just comprised of all the same person.