Lamont R&B Singer { Hudson Valley Editorial Portrait Photographer }

Well I’ve been extra pensive lately. As much as I love shooting the fashion… it just hasn’t been booking me enough gigs lately. I’ve actually had a renewed interest in shooting more food. I know it’s weird, but when you were raised by a grandmother who absolutely loved to cook. And taught you basically everything you could ever want to know, you end up with a man who’s passionate about good food. And I know there a ton of foodies out there, but have they ever actually made home made pasta? It’s easy to talk the talk, but when you actually grew up cooking french gourmet food, I think you ju
st come from a different place. Foreign and weird? Yes.
I actually used to do more food photography, but after I dove headfirst into fashion I simply didn’t have time to continue working on my portfolio. Shooting food takes time, and it was time that I would have rather spent on working on my fashion work. But my fiance and I have been trying to eat a lot healthier lately, and that has really renewed my passion for cooking. I’m not going to say that I’m making anything crazy these days, but it’s certainly lit a fire under me to start working on my food work again. I know it sounds crazy. There’s a ton of glamour in shooting fashion, and just so we’re clear I have zero intention on not shooting fashion anymore, but as this is a business I’d certainly like to diversify a bit. The winter months are cold in the world of fashion and it was a bit of a struggle around the holidays. There just aren’t that many people who feel like building their portfolio after a giant thanksgiving dinner.
So here very soon expect to see some more food work from me. I actually have in my head exactly what I want my portfolio to look like. Something a lot more modern than it is now. I didn’t know as much back then as I should have. Let’s just say I’ve grown a lot as a photographer. I understand so much more than I used to. Not to mention I did some research, and if I was opening a new restaurant I feel like there would be maybe 7 people that I would even consider to shoot my marketing material. That’s not a lot. I don’t have some big studio with a kitchen, but that’s also not the market that I really want to start working with. I want to get hired on by new restaurants that are looking for great content for their branded website. The people that are on the forefront of realizing that everyone shops for everything on the internet first, and that includes the local bar/restaurant that just went in down the street. I mean the user images on yelp are great and all (sarcasm), but don’t you want something really fantastic that connects with the demographic you want to serve?
Oh man that was a lot of rambling…. sorry about that. Anyways…
These are the more editorial portraits that I’ve really been enjoying working on lately. I think it’s so much fun to collaborate with other artists, and come up with shots that really bring out their characters. This is Lamont a local R&B singer who is super talented, and a hell of a guy. I really enjoyed working with Lamont on these shots.
That first shot of Lamont up there was done using a big octabox, and I actually put a big full length reflector down underneath him. That’s why there isn’t any falloff on his white suit. I freaking loved the way that those shots came out. This dude had swagger for days.