Hudson Valley Band Photography { The Truth and Spectacle }

August 16th 2021
Hudson Valley Band Photography { The Truth and Spectacle }

Band Photography in Hudson Valley

I recently had the chance to shoot one of the local bands here in Hudson Valley, called “The Truth & Spectacle”.  You know what I love about band photography?  Everything!  It’s super fun to shoot these people that have so much character.  Honestly as much fun as fashion photography is to shoot, there’s something special about being able to do band portraiture.  It’s really an awesome thing to get to photograph these people who sing, and perform.  They are naturally pretty amazing in front of the camera, and they usually come with something special as far as a ‘look’ goes.   This band was no different.  Daniel, and Ryan are truly amazing artists, and I’m honestly so hap

py I got a chance to do their Band Photography.

Here are some shots from our shoot.

Band Photography Hudson Valley

Portraiture in Hudson Valley

Photography Studio Hudson Valley

Band Photographer in Hudson Valley

Hope you like them!